
How to Lower Your Cortisol Level

Cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands to regulate your body and help you cope with stressful situations, is released from these glands. The sympathetic nervous system is triggered by the brain to release this hormone. The “fight or flee” system is the more cool name for this process.

Over time, this excessive secretion may have ripple effects, such as weight gain, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems, insomnia and mood disorders. Many health problems may be caused by high cortisol. These include:

  • Chronic disease: An excessive release of cortisol after a period can increase your risk of certain serious medical conditions, including high blood pressure, heart diseases, type 2 diabetics, and others.
  • Cortisol is also known to help increase appetite and shift metabolism. This shift in metabolism causes the body then to store fat.
  • Insomnia/ low energy: High cortisol can also affect your sleeping patterns and the quality of sleep.

Reduce Cortisol Levels

  • Sleeping the right amount is important:

Sleep is a great way to reduce your cortisol, since chronic sleep problems, like insomnia, sleep apnea and so on, are associated with high levels of cortisol.

  • Moderate exercise routines:

Exercise can increase or decrease cortisol. Intense exercise, for example, can cause cortisol levels to rise shortly after the workout but then drop after a couple of hours. This short-term rise helps to coordinate the growth of the muscles in order to match the challenges of the exercise.

Regular exercise can improve sleep quality and reduce stress. Exercise is important, but not excessively so it’s recommended that you exercise for 150-200 minutes per week.

Paying attention to stressful thoughts can help lower the level of cortisol in the body. Mindfulness-based stress relief is a technique which involves an increased self-awareness, allowing thoughts to come up without judgment and processing them.

  • Breathe:

Deep breathing can be used to reduce stress. It is also easy to do anywhere, and is similar in nature with the mindfulness technique. Controlled breathing stimulates the parasympathetic system (also known as “rest and digest”) and lowers cortisol levels.

  • Have fun, laugh and enjoy

Laughter and having fun are two other ways to reduce stress. Laughter releases endorphins, which suppress stress hormones like cortisol. It is linked to reduced stress, perceived pain, lower pressure and a stronger immune system.

  • Maintain healthy relationships:

You should also be around friends and family who are happy.

  • How to take care of your pet

You can also decide to care for a pet. In one study, an interaction with a dog therapy reduced cortisol and distress in children during a minor procedure. A second study showed that 48 adults with contact with a therapy dog experienced lower levels of stress than those who received support from a close friend.

  • Be your best self:

Remove any feelings of guilt or shame. These can cause cortisol to rise.


You can also speak to a health care provider about adopting a healthier lifestyle, which will lower your stress levels, and eventually your cortisol level.